Moving Conservative Attitudes on Climate — The Partnership for Responsible Growth

Conservatives Speak on Climate

Prominent conservative and evangelical climate leaders prepared the messages below, which were tested in congressional districts in Georgia and Missouri by a team that included the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications and Fenton Communications. The videos increased the number of conservative viewers who believe that climate change is caused by humans and is important.

Climate change and faith

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist, talks about how her Christian faith is why she cares about climate change.

Former climate skeptic explains his switch

Bob Inglis, former GOP Congressman with a 100% NRA rating explains how he became a climate change campaigner.

a change of heart on climate

Jerry Taylor, a Republican who used to think climate change was a liberal hoax, talks about how he changed his mind.

how climate change threatens national security

General Rob Keys, a retired Air Force General, talks about how climate change threatens our national security.

how humans are changing the climate

Climate Scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe simply explains how humans are changing our climate.

Yes, the climate has changed before

Climate Scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe explains how human pollution is causing our extreme weather.